Sunday, February 1, 2009

Article on Gaza was propaganda of the worst sort

Sunday, February 1 - Greensboro News and Record

The recent article by John D. Young, "War is Not the Answer in the Mideast," is particularly troubling (News & Record, Jan. 24). The first problem was its placement in the paper. The religion page should not be used for political punditry. Under the cover of religious jargon, Young's essay was actually an opinion piece condemning Israel's behavior in the war with Hamas.

But aside from its placement, Young's article was propaganda of the most misleading and obscene type. For example, he writes: "But just as time stands still because of the horror of the Holocaust to remain forever a raw, present moment, likewise for the Palestinians their suffering has become unending."

Young sees a close parallel between what the Nazis (whom he calls by the more neutral term "Germans") did to the Jewish people and what Israel is "doing to" the Palestinians. He is trying to say that the Israelis are the new Nazis and the Palestinians are the new Jews.

Perhaps Mr. Young needs to be reminded of just what the Nazis did. In 1942, they embarked upon a comprehensive plan to murder every last man, woman, and child of Europe's 11 million Jews. They succeeded in murdering 6 million of them. It should be obvious that nothing the Palestinians have suffered can compare to that of Jews during the Holocaust. Israel isn't hunting down Palestinian women and children. Israel has no desire other than to live in peace with its neighbors. Most Israelis support a two-state solution.

Young also writes: "The desperate plight of the Palestinians must melt our cold hearts so that we can respond in ways that embrace compassion and love." That's a wonderful thought, and in fact I agree. But where was his compassion when 1,176 Israelis were murdered by Palestinian terrorists in this decade by suicide bombers? Where was his compassion for the children of southern Israel when they were given all of 15 seconds to find a bomb shelter because of incoming rocket and mortar fire from Gaza? Hamas fired more than 6,000 rockets at civilians in southern Israel. Is that not worthy of Young's compassion?

If Young is a pacifist, then clearly he's an ill-informed pacifist. Either that, or his pacifism simply does not extend to Jews.

But it's not just Jews who get no compassion from Young. Did he protest when Hamas leaders massacred Palestinians loyal to Fatah in the violent coup that overthrew the Palestinian Authority in Gaza? Are Arab lives worth less when taken by fellow Arabs?

No one can deny the suffering of Palestinians. But so much of this suffering is due to the criminal behavior of their own leadership. Nevertheless, I feel for their plight. As a Jew, I am deeply pained by the loss of innocent life in Gaza.

Our Jewish community here in Greensboro has not ignored the human dimension of this tragic and unnecessary conflict. At the services of both of our congregations and at our community rally, we recited a prayer for both the children of Gaza and the children of Israel. The prayer was shared with other clergy, both Jewish and non-Jewish, and many of them used it in their worship services. The prayer represents our attempt as a community to transcend the issues that divide Israel and the Palestinians and pray a universal prayer for children. The prayer may be accessed at

The end of the prayer reads: "We ask your blessings for the children of Gaza and the children of Israel who are the grandchildren of our ancestor Abraham. For the children of Gaza, the children of our kinsman, Ishmael, remember that you heard his cry and sent your angel to comfort him and his mother Hagar. For the children of Isaac and of Jacob, remember your mercies toward Isaac and your blessings toward Jacob. God, who gives life and who is called by many names, God who knows the value and the fragility of every life, send these children your angels to guide and protect them. Bless these children, and keep them from harm. Turn Your face toward them and grant them peace!

To which I say, "Amen!"